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Fiftieth anniversary of the death of Georges Pompidou
Georges Pompidou (1911-1974)
Born in Cantal in 1911, Georges Pompidou entered the École normale supérieure in 1931, graduating top of his class in the agrégation de lettres and from the École libre des Sciences politiques. He entered the service of General de Gaulle in 1944, before joining the Conseil d'État and then the Rothschild bank. After serving as General de Gaulle's chief of staff in 1958, Georges Pompidou became Prime Minister from 1962 to 1968. Elected President of the Republic in 1969, Georges Pompidou put his taste for modernity at the service of a policy promoting the greatness of France. He died in 1974 during his term of office.

Le Prix de thèse
With the aim of encouraging research in the humanities and social sciences and boosting public interest in the Pompidou years (1962-1974), his action and his work, the Institut Georges Pompidou awards an annual prize of 7,000 euros for a thesis in French or translated into French.
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Les archives de 1974

Whether it's my office at the Élysée Palace, the antique salons [...] or the modern pieces we've installed in the private apartments, I want everything to be beautiful.
whether it's the modern pieces we've installed in the private apartments, I want everything to be beautiful.